Do you wish to acquire a green card through marriage? Have you married the love of your life and want to be able to spend the rest of your life with them in America? Congratulations on finding your marriage, on finding that one person you want to be with forever. A Marriage-Based Green Card Lawyer from the Rijal Law Firm can help you to immigrate to this country in many ways so that you two can be together.
Eligibility Assessment
Over the years, we’ve found that many couples don’t realize exactly how many eligibility requirements there are for a marriage-based green card. Yes, you know that your marriage has to be legal, you have to be married to either an American citizen or a lawful permanent resident, etc. Unfortunately, due to the unscrupulous actions of others, you may have to provide documentation to the USCIS showing that you and your love are building a life together. For example, if either of you were married in the past, you may have to offer documentation showing the marriage ended, such as a divorce decree, death certificate, and so forth.
When The Authorities Might Ask You Questions
The USCIS has to be careful when giving our marriage-based green cards. In the past, some have tried to “scam” the system. As such, the USCIS may ask you questions about your relationship, your plans together, and even your daily activities, which can seem prying. In fact, they may even ask further questions if they see that you and your spouse have greatly different cultural backgrounds, if there’s an age gap between you and your spouse, or even if you and your spouse have different addresses online. We can help you to prepare for any question they may ask so that you can receive the benefit you seek.
What to Be Aware of
Some of the most common questions we’re asked involve whether or not you can leave America while you wait for your green card through marriage. Yes, you can, but you’ll first have to apply for Advance Parole while you’re completing other documentation. Additionally, you are able to work while you wait for your green card, provided you applied for a green card while you were living in the US. In that case, you will have to apply for a work permit while other documentation is filed.
A Marriage-Based Green Card Lawyer on Your Side
If you’ve read to this point, then you can see how complicated it can be to acquire a green card through marriage. There are so many forms that have to be filled out properly and on time, there are so many questions that have to be answered. Here at the Rijal Law Firm, we’ve made this process easier for many couples from all around the world for many years. Now, we can do the same for you and your beloved. To see how we can help, fill out the form on our site or give us a call to schedule a free case evaluation.