Benefits of Working With an EB1 Visa Attorney

EB1 Visa Attorney

Are you considering applying for an EB1 visa? Do you believe that you would make a great EB1 visa candidate but want to make sure that you have the best application possible? The EB1 visa is one of the most sought-after visas for many reasons, not the least of which are its many benefits. As such, it’s highly competitive. You got to the top of your field, to become someone for whom the EB1 visa is a possibility by making smart decisions at critical moments. Working with the right EB1 Visa Attorney gives you the best chance of a successful outcome for many reasons. 

Preparing the Best Possible Case on Your Behalf 

The sheer amount of paperwork and documentation necessary to be able to apply for an EB1 visa is quite large indeed. An experienced attorney can help you to not just complete the documentation and send it on time but to do so in such a manner so as to make the best possible case for your candidacy. If there’s anything in there that isn’t just a mistake but something that could be improved, we can fix it, so that you have the best chance possible. 

Helping You to Avoid EB1 Visa Pitfalls 

In our many years of helping people just like you to apply for an EB1 visa, we’ve seen many mistakes that we were able to find and improve. For example, it’s all too easy to not follow all of the instructions on the application form or to provide less documentation than what’s required (or even the wrong documentation). Not having a clear business plan can be a hindrance, as can lacking a business interest in the United States, or any statement that could be considered false. We can work with you to put together the right immigration application for your needs. 

Assistance in an Event of an Appeal 

If you applied for an EB1 visa and were not accepted, you can appeal. Indeed, many of our clients have come to us because they applied, they were turned down, and they truly believed that this was done in error. If so, we may be able to help. We can prepare an appeal with you, guiding you through the process every step of the way. This is one more reason we encourage applicants to reach out to us as early as possible: so that you’re less likely to have to go through the appeals process.

EB1 Visa Attorney

An EB1 Visa Attorney from the Rijal Law Firm 

The EB1 visa is as competitive as it gets. Genuinely impressive people who have led incredible lives can find that it may not be the best fit for their needs. However, the EB1 visa is by no means the only way to immigrate to the United States. For years, the Rijal Law Firm has helped thousands to be able to come to America and live the life that they want. To see how we can help, schedule a free case evaluation with us through our site or call. 

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